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May 21, 2007
by yosako
1 Comment

The History of the iPod Podcast

What is now called a podcast traces its orgins to thefirst ipod podcasts, the creation of distributed mp3 filesthat could be downloaded and played on Apple’s musicplayer, the iPod. When the iPod came out, and usersdiscovered what a wonderful thing it was for holdingmusic, some people had the idea of loading things thatweren’t necessarily songs. Some of the people that gottheir hands on the iPod took the route of reverseengineering the iPod and loading on different firmware,or operating system, but others had the idea of sharingsmall sound files that could be played on the iPod. Thetechnology for distributing the files already existed,with RSS feeds. RSS feeds were a means of … Continue reading

May 21, 2007
by yosako

Finding a Podcast on PSP

There are many podcasts on PSP available. Some ofthem simply share information on the PlayStationPortable and distribute it to people interested in portablegaming. These podcasts serve as news organizations,sharing audio or visual files talking about thePlayStation Portable and speculating about updates tothe PSP. The vast majority, however, take advantage ofthe ability of the PlayStation Portable’s ability todownload and play quality videos on the gaming screen.Developers of the program PSP Video 9 first created aprogram that could change videos from computer typeslike .avi and .mpeg to the format used by the PlayStation Portable.