Contents Valley

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May 21, 2007
by yosako

Using a Directory of Podcast Videos

While some video feeds can be found by visiting thesite that hosts them, many more are easier found byvisiting a directory of podcast videos. These podcastvideo directories maintain listings of podcasts that havebeen submitted to them. They may sort the listaccording to region, category, and popularity, helpingvisitors find exactly the type of feed they are lookingfor. Tech video podcasts can be found, with regularepisodes about technology news. Some video feeds areexperimental podcasts, created by designers interestedin showcasing their work and trying out new forms ofediting and storytelling. There are some feeds thatrecreate talk and comedy shows, with interviews everyepisode.

May 21, 2007
by yosako

Using a Podcast Directory

A podcast directory is a listing of syndication feeds thatlink to a podcast. They are often organized by categoryand topic, and allow the user to find a feed that podcastsabout almost anything. Just as search engines helppeople find sites with the information they need, apodcast directory presents a searchable list of podcastsusers can subscribe to. Users may even be able to playthe available feed episodes from within the site.