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Seven Tips For A Healthy Heart


Whether you have heart problems, or just do want to develop them, you can have a healthy heart if you do a few basic things everyday. The important thing is to recognize little steps you can take and having a healthy heart can be done if you follow these 10 easy tips.

  1. Take the stairs. Don’t use the elevator in your office building and don’t use the escalator at the mall, use the stairs every chance you get and you’ll be surprised at how much better you feel at the end of the day if you just follow this one simple step.
  2. Spend a few minutes on housework everyday and don’t leave all of the cleaning for the weekend. You can get some good exercise vacuuming twice a week instead of one. Go outside most days and pull weeds or garden for a while.
  3. Park as far away as possible. This is a simple thing you can do to get yourself walking more and when you go to the grocery store why not park in the furthest parking spot away from the entrance. Now you have no choice but to walk.
  4. Stop early if you take the bus. Get off on the bus stop before your destination and walk the next block or two instead.
  5. Walk after meals. If you have a few minutes after lunch get outside and take a brisk walk and if you work near a park, take a stroll around it. Even a short walk for a couple of blocks away from the office can add up by Friday.
  6. Walk the dog. Don’t have a dog? You may want to think about getting one. Dogs love to take walks and they will sit right in front of you staring at you until you take them for one. Getting them out a couple of times a day is good for both of you.
  7. Do things with the kids. Coach one of their sporting teams or go to the playground with them and play catch or shoot baskets, this is one of the most fun type of exercises you can give your heart.

These are just a few ideas that can help you have a healthier heart. Look around you as you go about your day and take every chance you get to move around. Having a healthy heart can be as easy as just making a few changes in your daily routine and the rewards to your health and your heart are well worth the effort.

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